What is Blended & Blessed?

Blended & Blessed® is a one-day live event and livestream just for stepfamily couples, dating couples with kids, and those who care about blended families.

Join sites around the globe on April 5, 2025, as we unpack strategies crucial to building unity in your stepfamily. With some of today’s most trusted and respected experts, Blended & Blessed will challenge, inspire, and encourage you.

You can watch at home with your spouse or even host an event in your home with your small group or friends, bringing together couples for one incredible day of teaching, music, and humor! Over 35,000 people experienced the event over the past eight years. 

A Renewed Us

One component of what the Bible calls our "old self" is reactive behavior that defeats closeness in marriage and sabotages blended family relationships. At this year's event, we'll learn key themes from Ron and Nan Deal's new book, The Mindful Marriage, and discover how they overcame their relationship pain and reactive behavior. You'll learn keys to humility and self-control and coping with your personal and family challenges. It's out with the old and in with the new at the 2025 Blended & Blessed. 

Ways to attend


Blended & Blessed Live Event

Live Event

$20 - Fellowship Bible Church, Franklin, TN (Lunch included!)


Blended & Blessed Livestream

Home Livestream

$20 - Home Livestream License - Watch with a group in your home, with your spouse, or as an individual on a computer/mobile device.

Church Livestream

$99 - Church Livestream License - Watch with a group at church. Includes Bonus Digital All-Access Pass that can be used for small groups!


A Renewed Us







Session 1


Session 2

Lunch Break

Session 3


Session 4




An event for blended families

Module Fix

module fix
